
June Update

Dear Beloved Grade One Families, The end of the school year is almost here...that means we have almost reached the end of the marathon! Can you believe we have survived another year? But we did! Kudus to all of us! And thank you for another great school year. This month is going to be a busy one, for sure. There will be ongoing assessments for the Term 3 Reporting Period, crafts and projects, and the end-of-year field trip happening on the last week of the month. As we wrap up the final weeks of school, I'd like to express my gratitude to the community of parents who have helped champion learning throughout the year. School may be out, but we'll continue to keep the learning going. With every summer adventure, our kids can build math and literacy skills as they play and create their own games. We will continue to engage our kids in authentic learning opportunities whether it's planting a garden, building something, fixing something that's broken, cooking a meal, or a si

April Update

Beloved Grade One Families, HAPPY EASTER! I hope everyone has had a restful and meaningful Spring Break as we face another month full of fun and engaging activities in and out of the classroom.  Yes, you heard it right! April will be a busy month for us as we will be preparing for the Learning Fair happening on the third week of this month. This year's theme is Social Studies and so the Grade One's will be making an interactive unit project on community helpers and their neighborhoods. Students will be introduced, review and build knowledge on neighborhood buildings and community helpers. I'm looking forward to their creativity and brilliant ideas on this project.  In Science, the class will be looking at a new unit called The Senses. Students will be learning to use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of the senses. There will be lots of opportunities for students to ask questions that lead to explorations of living things, objects, and events in the imm

March Update

Hello Grade One Families, We've gotten some whispers of it already - spring is on the way. You heard it right!  March is the start of spring which also means the clocks spring forward, flowers bloom, and people get excited for the warmer months ahead. This goes the same with the Grade One class, we can't wait for a whole bunch of upcoming activities in our classroom. But first, here's a look back of what we did last February as one of our I Love to Read Month activities. I promised to give you a snapshot of our display board, so here you go. Below is a picture of our 'craftivity" that is based on the book called, "The Giving Tree." This month, our focus in Religion is on the Lent Season. We have been making a Lent Lapbook and the Footsteps to Christ activity. We are also working on completing an act of kindness chart which could be big or small. We talked about small acts could consist of helping taking out the trash, doing dishes, or just helping someone

February Update

Hello Grade One Families,           Just like that, another month has passed and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. This is a great time to discuss friendship with our kids, and build some social-emotional skills. In relation to this, the class read a book called, "The Giving Tree" , by Shel Silverstein., and we learned about sharing, loving and kindness. I can't wait to share their "craftivity" which we will put on our bulletin board, SOON!           Another great news that I want to share is that, on January 31st, we had our first field trip to the Manitoba Theater for Young People and we watched the "Poli Pop" show. It was such an incredible experience to be able to see how a theater play looks like considering that we have been doing a Reader's Theater in class. After watching the show, we all shared ideas on how we can do better in our next in-class Reader's Theater.           In Art, this month we created a Collaged Winter Sel

January Update

Happy New Year Grade One Families! Here's to an exceptional 2024 together! Cheers! I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful Christmas Break considering how busy and vibrant we have been last month. This has been an amazing start to the year and I'm looking forward to a great one with the class. First, I would like to share with you how successful and meaningful the Culminating Activity of our Christmas Kindness Challenge was. On the last day of school just before the Christmas Break, we all sat in a circle to lay baby Jesus in the crib that the students have placed straws (strips of paper) in. We began by saying our Christmas Prayer then we sang the song, "Away in a Manger." It was a very special and joyful moment for us because we have felt the presence of Jesus in our hearts. It was truly an incredible experience that I am so proud to be doing with my Grade One students. This was taken during our Culminating Activity Moving on, this month, we will continue to look