
Showing posts from December, 2024

December Updates

  Dear Grade One Families, The holidays are just around the corners, which means that there will be a lot of things happening in and out of the classroom. In ELA, we will focus on the long vowels and consonant-vowel-consonant pattern for phonics. This month, we will be doing a Christmas Reader's Theater where students get to practice and read aloud their lines for the plays, giving them an opportunity to build reading fluency and improve their communication skills. Not only do the students have the opportunity to practice specific phonics skills, they also get to make character headbands, necklaces or puppets. I am so thrilled for this activity! In Religion, we will be looking at learning about Advent as the season in which we get ready to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth at Christmas. To make it more meaningful for the first graders, we are making a Christmas Lapbook. These lapbooks are mini books of foldables about the same topic that are organized and kept together in a file f...